6 March 2015

Purina DeliBakie Hearts vs. Tesco Sausage Treats

This week two treats bravely step into the Treat vs. Treat arena! Introducing first, coming in bags of 100g, made by Purina, it is the DeliBakie Hearts! And the opponent, coming in packs of 20g (two small sausages), made by Tesco, and rich with Beef & Tripe, it is the Sausage Treats!

Round One- Availability

The Purina DeliBakie range is available everywhere, most supermarkets will stock one of the flavours from the range. They are also reasonably priced at £1.25 for a pack. It is hard to beat that kind of availability, at that price point. 

The Tesco Sausage Treats we purchased for 40p, the catch here however is the catch that we bought these when they were "reduced to clear". At this point this specific treat has been discontinued by Tesco, there are, however, other Sausage Treats available by them. Despite this, it is impossible to argue that a discontinued treat is more available that we a treat distributed by a well-known brand.

Winner: Purina DeliBakie Hearts

Round Two- Goodness

As I have mentioned previously, one of the failing of the Purina DeliBakie range is their fat content, and the hearts are no different. While the range is made with wholesome ingredients, the majority of these treats are made up of Cereals, typically used as a bulking agent. While some cereals are not harmful to your dog, and some of them are even good, there is a minimum of 30% (of a total cereals of 65%) of wheat cereal, which can be difficult for dogs to digest.

In compassion, the Tesco Sausage Treat actually has a higher fat content, but is also 95% meat, with little added additives. That is a nice high level of delicious proteany goodness. I am not going to argue that your dog should be cereal free, Pixel isn't by any means, but it is clear that some cereals can be problematic to dog digestion. With the Purina DeliBakie it is not clear which cereals you are giving your dog (beyond the known inclusion of wheat).

Winner: Tesco Sausage Treat

Round Three- Taste Test

The final around is upon us, and these two brave treats stepped into the ring without fear. Each of these treats had won a round, so there was everything to play for, and nothing to lose. The treats were ready, Pixel was summoned and prepared to give the final verdict. For Pixel, there was no doubt in his mind, or hesitation in his actions. He chose the winner, and greedily devoured the Tesco Sausage Treat in a few short bites. But he was yet unsatisfied. He turned then upon the defeated treat, the Purina DeliBakie Heart was trapped. Pixel descended and gobbled up the fallen.

Two Treats enter, no treats leave.

Winner by two rounds to one: Tesco Sausage Treat

The Leader Board
  1. Tesco Sausage Treat (W:1/L:0)
  2. Purina DeliBakie Hearts (W:0/L:1)

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