5 March 2015

What does it mean to be good?: Philosophy with Pixel & Poppy

Sniff! Sniff! Bark! There are many impossible questions in this world, but today we will try and answer the one most dogs are concerned with: "What does it mean to be good?"

Our humans often praise us for being "good boys" or "good girls". But what does this mean? What have we done to receive such praise? We mean, we know that Sitting on command is good, but why is it good? And how comes when we bark at our humans, telling them to sit, we are considered bad? It is enough to confuse the brightest of Collies.

It seems to us that our humans are the ultimate arbitrators of what is considered good and what is considered bad. We are reminded of the works of the famed Greek Philosopher, Plato. He writes of the metaphysical Form of "Good". All things we perceive in this world are imperfect reflections of their perfect form. We, as mere dogs, are therefore unable to see the form of Good, presumably because it is Green or Red (or somewhere in-between). Our humans, however, are capable of seeing this form of Good and instruct us on what they see so that we may be gooder dogs.

So, it does appear that we, as dogs, will never be able to see what it means to be good, nor will we ever understand the essence of goodness. We simply must trust the words of our humans, for they are great, and able to view the (Green or Red coloured) Forms, and they are benevolent beings that share the wealth of their knowledge with us.

What does it means to be good? Our humans know, and they are good. Follow their example and so too, you can be good.

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