10 March 2015

Pet Munchies Chicken Strips vs. Purina DeliBakie Fishies

Fresh out of last weeks defeat, Purina DeliBakies step into the ring once more, this week with their Fishies biscuits. Their opponent? Pet Munchies Chicken Strips! Can the DeliBakies win over Pixel, or will they once again be found wanting when confronted with a more meaty alternative? Can Pet Munchies match up to the cheesy smell of the Fishies? Let us delay no longer. Let the fight commence!


As I have mentioned before, the Purina DeliBakie brand is available practically everywhere, most supermarkets stock them, as well as being readily available online and in stores like Pets at Home, typically these treats are sold for £1.25

The same cannot be said for Pet Munchies. I have not seen the brand in supermarkets, and neither is available in Pets at Home (I know, some people really hate this store, but honestly it is an easy way to find stuff for your dog). Pet Munchies can be found online for around £2.99. It is a shame that the Pet Munchies brand is not more available, because they are good treats, but as it stands, Purina is simply a dominant name in the market.

Winner: Purina DeliBakie Fishies


Purina DeliBakies have a tendency to be a little fatty, however the Fishies are significantly better in this respect. A typical DeliBakie product can only be given to your dog three times a day, these Fishies allow your dog to have seven (assuming your dog is around 15kg). The problem still remains, however, that these treats are very high in cereals. Fishies are 60% cereal (and at least 55% of that total is flour which can be difficult to digest).

Pet Munchies on the other hand are 91% chicken breast. The packet claims to be high in protean and low in fat, and it is hard to argue with that. These treats are 100% natural, with no added preservatives or flavours. They are just wholesome dog treats.

Winner: Pet Munchies Chicken Strips

Taste Test

The two treats and placed into the arena and the mood is tense. In previous friendly matches the delicious Edam and Gouda Fishies have dominated their competition. Only yesterday the Pet Munchies Chicken Strips suffered a loss at their hands. The Purina DeliBakies have an air of quiet confidence, they think they have this in the bag. But anything can happen in the Treat vs. Treat arena and in a shocking upset, Pixel goes straight for the Pet Munchies Chicken Strips. The crowd is silent, unable to process what had just happened. For a second time, Purina DeliBakies have been defeated. This match-up should have been an easy win for them, but it goes to show that you cannot rely on anything here in Treat vs. Treat.

What a titanic upset here at Pixel headquarters.

Two treats enter, no treats leave.

Winner by two rounds to one: Pet Munchies Chicken Strips

The Leader Board
  1. Pet Munchies Chicken Strips (W:1/L:0)
  2. Tesco Sausage Treat (W:1/L:0)
  3. Purina DeliBakie Fishies (W:0/L:1)
  4. Purina DeliBakie Hearts (W:0/L:1)

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