10 February 2015

Toy Box Tuesday: The Trixie Beaver

One of the first soft toys we bought Pixel was this squeaky beaver. This soft toy is stuffed with rustling goodness and a honker (rather than a squeaker). The toy also allowed us to work out that Pixel prefers toys that rustle when they are played with, rather than standard soft toys.

Beaver surgery 
Pixel now owns two of these beavers, one small one, 27cm, (I accidently popped the honker in this one when I stood on it) and a large one, 40cm, which is in fully functioning order (once the tail was reattached following a particularly aggressive play session). 

What I like:

The toy provides a variety of stimulation, the tail and feet are a different texture to the fur, and the stuffing rustles and the beaver honks. The toy is light-weight and able to be thrown both by me and the dog without fear of anything being damaged.

What Pixel likes:

Pixel loves to chew the main body of the beaver, both to make it rustle as well as the chew on the plastic honker inside. He is particularly fond of chewing the broken honker in the small toy. Pixel prefers the larger of the two toys, which is a good size for a medium sized dog, making it easy to throw and catch.

What I don't like:

The quality with the Trixie Beaver doesn't seem particularly great. Pixel, who is traditionally a gently player, was able to tear the tail off the Beaver without much effort. In addition to this the honkers inside the toy are not built to last either, I broke one by stepping on it. Comparatively speaking these are not particularly expensive toys (a quick look on Amazon shows that the 40cm Beaver is currently £6.99), but I can't help but feel that most dogs would completely destroy these toys in no time at all.
Pixel gets the toy back

What Pixel doesn't like:

Nothing, Pixel loves the Trixie Beaver, it is a staple of his toy box and regularly gets played with.

Would we recommend?

Would I recommend it? If your dog doesn't play too roughly I am sure they would love this toy, but if they set out to destroy their stuffed toys I doubt the Beaver would last that long

Would Pixel recommend it? Absolutely. The Trixie Beavers are two of this favourite toys and he would be lost without them.

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